Pile Accessories

The pile technology between a pile and structure

  • Welded during manufacturing, or sleeved over the pile on site
  • Faster and more cost effective when compared to traditional systems
  • Support is provided for all types of bearers, joints, columns, posts and above ground structures
  • Adjustable top plate assembly both during and after construction
  • Up to 150mm vertical adjustability
  • Compression, tension or lateral capacities from 30kN to 300kN (ULS).

How we are different

Either a Blade Pile or Bracing Pile, can have a connection accessory fitted to support a variety of above-ground structures.

Accessories are welded to the pile during manufacturing, or sleeved over the pile on site. Accessories can come as adjustable or fixed connection devices to facilitate quick, and easy on-site installation.

When compared to traditional piling systems, the Blade Pile and Bracing Pile connection accessories can provide a much faster, more practical and cost effective solution for builders.

Pile Accessories Blade Pile New Zealand
Pile Accessories Blade Pile New Zealand
Pile Accessories Blade Pile New Zealand