Blade Pile

A superior replacement for both concrete piles and conventional steel screw piles

  • More holding force than traditional screw pile solutions
  • Manufactured from high tensile steel
  • High torque and load capacity
  • Minimal installation issues
  • Improved durability & extended design life.

How we are different

Traditional screw piles are designed with a single leading edge that features a curved, pitched helix. This edge augers soil during install meaning over time the bearing capacity will slowly form back into place around the helix area (shaded Orange in diagram).

Blade Piles utilise counter balance for superior pile verticality. The blades enter the soil with lower disturbance, improving end bearing compression and tension load capacity.

Blade Piles are manufactured using 350 Grade high tensile steel (Average 450 Mpa yield) for a greater torsional install capacity and structural strength.

Blade Piles provide a level of installed verticality and positioning for finite tolerance structures, that is simply unattainable with screw piles and most traditional piling methods.

Blade Pile Blade Pile New Zealand

Blade Pile Blade Pile New Zealand

How we are different

A standard 76.1 Blade Pile has a 250mm x 250mm square end bearing area, comprising a pair of Blades that provides a diagonally extended circular area of 350 mm.

Under load, this extended area radiates out and into a larger pressure wave, when compared to a circular 250 mm diameter screw in helix.

The larger pressure wave generated by the blades, mobilizes a higher volume of soil into a more effective pressure bulb, for improved load bearing capacity.

During comparative testing, the twin Blade Pile design also demonstrates less soil bulking out during initial penetration, confirming less geotechnical disturbance during installation for improved end bearing.

Trailing edge ‘cutting tips’ create an active ‘4 point pulse’ during installation which vibrates the Blade Pile head for easier installation when penetrating heavy gravels or rock/cobble layers.