Blade Piles are a AS2159-2009 compliant screw piling foundation system used for piling under residential and commercial buildings throughout New Zealand and Australia.
Blade Pile NZ currently has more than 80 structural or geotechnical engineering companies across New Zealand that are certified to design from our independently reviewed design manual.
They are a compliant cost and time effective screw pile foundation system, best suited for 25% of soil conditions especially where traditional systems are unsuitable, such as liquefaction prone soil with a bearing layer, soil creep, high water table. The easy install of Blade Piles means there is minimal noise and site disruption, which is essential when there is archaeological concerns or soil contamination.
Structural engineers will review your project with the geotechnical report and determine whether Blade Pile will deliver the best option for your projects specific engineered designed (SED) foundation. Blade Piles can be installed under a standard screw pile engineered PS1, but screw piles can’t be installed where a Blade Pile designed PS1 has been issued as the Blade Pile design has a larger bearing plate area.
Attached is a letter from Dr Martin Larish who is an internationally recognised specialist in piled foundations. He has reviewed and endorsed the Blade Pile Design Manual as being compliant to AS2159-2009 and can be designed to B1. He has over 20 years experience in piling and ground engineering in New Zealand and Australia and has worked with organisation like Brian Perry Civil, Miyamoto International, Golder Associates and the University of Queensland.