The Benefits of Using Blade Piles for Bridging Services.

The Benefits of Using Blade Piles for Bridging Services. Blade Pile New Zealand

Traditionally in New Zealand, council services have been bridged on site using bored concrete piles.  This method is often effected by delays in getting materials to site and cost overruns.

A smart alternative is to use Blade Pile screw pile foundations for bridging services.  They save time and money for your building projects as they are manufactured off site, fast to install, create minimal disruption, no soil is removed from site.  For sites prone to liquefaction, the inground water table is not an issue and instillation is not dependant on the right kind of weather.

One of the key benefits for using Blade Piles is they are only installed by a certified installer.  If there are differing bearing layers over the site they can easily add an extensions to the piles so that each pile reaches ULS KN load capacity.

If this was a concrete pile this would not be known until the council inspected, often causing delays to the construction.

As Blade Piles are a structurally engineered PS1 design, council inspection is not required and installation can be planned weeks ahead.

The site photos below show two residential units in Auckland which had council services that required foundation bridging. There are 26 Blade Piles imbedded to a depth of 5 metres.

After installation, this is how clean we left the site at the end of the day. The site is ready now for the drain layers and then the floor slab crew to get these houses out of the ground.